Samuel Chee

Samuel Chee

Corporate Real Estate Professional

25 questions for a potential financial adviser – Henry Hebeler

I like this article because we get caught up with the now and we forget the future. Also, the article points out that you shouldn’t just trust your friends that are financial advisers, but to do your due diligence. I wanted to post this to ensure that millenials and others START TO PLAN FOR THEIR FUTURE NOW! This article is a reminder to plan for the future.

Here is the link to that article from

25 Questions for a Potential Financial Adviser by Henry Hebeler

I like #12 because fees can eat up your returns. Also, I always want to know how my financial adviser is tied in with what he/she is recommending. It helps to identify if they are truly looking out for your interest or your interest.

Measure Twice, Cut Once!

– Sam


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