Samuel Chee

Samuel Chee

Corporate Real Estate Professional

Y-E-S…Could Change the Course of Your Career

Change the Course of Your Career

This 3-letter Word Could Change the Course of Your Career by Danny Rubin

When I read this article on how to change the course of your career, it reminded me of a time that I said YES! Even when I truly wasn’t prepared to say yes, but I was prepared to learn and grow. It was a few years ago, but I can still picture the moment in my head.

I was at a networking event for the Asian Pacific and Middle Eastern Network. I was one year into my current role as property manager and met the GM for Hawaii. We chatted a bit about what I did and came to find out she had an opening for a construction manager. She asked if I would be interested in the role and would like to interview. I said yes I would be interested. After a phone interview and a visit to Hawaii, I became one of the construction managers for the Hawaii Region.

Some additional backstory is that I knew NOTHING about construction. But, the GM was willing to take a risk on me. This is similar to Danny Rubin’s experience, Shane, the news director, took a risk on him. Next thing I knew, I was gaining invaluable experience and using that experience in multiple roles that I have had since. I never thought I would be a construction manager in Hawaii, but now that I reflect, without that experience, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

In Shane’s article, his two points about why he got his job is the same reason I got my job.

This is a great lesson that saying yes to opportunities even when you aren’t prepared can be a great advantage. Just be willing to work hard and continue to learn and grow.

So check out Shane’s article on Business Insider RIGHT HERE!

Get ready to change the course of your career!




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