Samuel Chee

Samuel Chee

Corporate Real Estate Professional

My first DIY Project – Rustic-Style Bed Frame – Completed

Here is my first DIY project completed – Rustic-Style Bed Frame

I am sorry I didn’t post this earlier. I got jammed up at work, but I wanted to share some of the final pictures. I wish I had a better camera and maybe better bedroom design, but I don’t have anymore money. Here are the pics from my completed DIY project.

Puppy underneath the DIY bed frame.

Puppy underneath the DIY bed frame.

Here is the my puppy testing out the underneath of the bed. I purposefully raised the legs to make sure that she can fit underneath the bed. She liked to hide under the old bedframe, but would have to squeeze. This design allows her to be more comfortable.

samuel-chee-com-rustic-bed-frame-diy (42)This pic is sans puppy. You can see that I didn’t stain the underneath. 1. I was trying to save money and 2. I was ready to use my new mattress and didn’t want to wait. You can also see that I have overengineered the supports on the bottom. Next time, I don’t need so much. It just added too much weight.

samuel-chee-com-rustic-bed-frame-diy (40)Here’s the new mattress in the new bedframe. I love this mattress and it was a great deal on GROUPON. When I went mattress shopping, it felt like car shopping. The salesmen were sketchy and “sales-y” so I resorted to Groupon. It was well worth the risk.

So I hope you liked my first DIY project! I have the rustic-style kitchen table coming up next!

See you soon,



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