Samuel Chee

Samuel Chee

Corporate Real Estate Professional

A minimum of 21 days to create a habit?

Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? A new year is synonymous with resolutions. Since this is a new year, I wanted to share how we can stay true to our resolutions. To start, a resolution must become a habit. However, according to the article below, the “21 Day” rule to create a habit is… Continue reading

Adaptive Vs. Responsive Layouts And Optimal Text Readability

Quisque ac eros tempor, fringilla mauris eget, vulputate turpis. Ut molestie tellus congue diam pharetra, at cursus purus congue. Donec eu tincidunt nulla, vel condimentum risus. Morbi porta augue sit amet mi viverra gravida. Ut in felis nibh. Phasellus sagittis felis sem, non lobortis eros convallis id. Proin molestie ullamcorper nisi, vitae ornare augue vulputate… Continue reading